Friday, September 4, 2009

First Post

Lots to say, little time.
I am here, in Ghana and it is awesome. I will blog whenever possible, but (I state again) I am in Ghana. Therefore no promises can be made because I most likely will not be able to keep them. But I will try.
The people here are nice, both the students in my program and those charged with our care. I do not anticipate any major problems during my stay here, and for that I am glad.
Jetlag is still a bitch, but thanks to the lovely pharmacy I brought with me, I have had good nights and passable sleeps.
I am with my homestay family currently. Aunti Emma, Papa Samuel, their three sons (and another on the way) are the main family, but they share their house with Aunti Emma's mother, her sister, her sister's husband, and their new baby girl (two months old, I believe? My Twi is very poor). It is a chaotic household and VERY noisy, but they have taken me into the flow of their schedule without any major bumps (thus far).
More later.

Until then,

1 comment:

  1. a: I love you.
    b: I miss you.
    c: Have a FANTASTIC time. Can't wait to read about your study abroad experience here, aka stalk you obsessively.
    d: Did I mention that I love and miss you?!

    Colby won't be the same without you, lovely!
